Want to know how many points you have left on your licence? It’s easy, just push a button to find out and you can do it even from your phone. Here’s how to find out how many points you have on your driving license!

The driving license points system used in Italy and other European countries provides for a total of 20 points. For each infraction, if the law provides for it, points are deducted, which vary according to the seriousness of the infraction. If you go below 10 points, if you also get fines for the belt or helmet, you risk running out.
However, if no infractions are committed in a year, 2 points are recovered. However, knowing how many points are left is essential to be aware of how far from zero. Here’s one way to know how many points are left by pushing a button on the mobile phone!
How to know the points left on the license?
There are various ways to know how many points are left on the driving license, to know in order to regulate and avoid committing further infringements.

That more widespread and also more practical is the Motorist Portal, of the Ministry of Transport and Navigation, to which civilians, professionals and employers can access. Among the various services offered, there is also the one to check the points on the licence.
The service can be accessed by entering the credentials of the identity card or with the SPID. In addition to the score, the service also allows you to view the list of offenses committed and sanctions, and the reasons why the points were deducted from the licence.
Check your driving license points by pressing a button on your phone
A quick and easy way to find out how many points you have left on your license is to use your cell phone. Indeed, with the smartphone it is enough download iPatente, which is the Motorization’s Android and iOS appto find out the points on your driving license that you still have available.
Or, you can also find out the points balance on your driving licence by calling 06 45775962, active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The service works as an answering machine and is very useful if you are not tech savvy or don’t have internet coverage, or maybe you don’t have enough GB.