Highway Code, minus 10 points if you do it during the race: what agony

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Behaving in the best possible way behind the wheel of your car is a duty. The Highway Code requires each user to respect the rules and behave at their best, in order to guarantee maximum safety at all times. Anyone who does not respect the law can seriously endanger everyone. The more serious the infringement committed, the greater the fines imposed. In addition to the fines, moreover, in the most serious cases, ten points can also be deducted from the driving licence. But when does this happen? Here’s everything you need to know about it.

Traffic Laws
Highway Code – Motori.News

The Traffic Laws it contains all the laws that every road user is required to respect in order not to generate chaos and dangers during circulation. It’s not just motorized vehicle drivers who have to abide by the rules. Pedestrians, cyclists and any other category are also required to behave at their best while on the road.

When you get behind the wheel of your car, you can’t afford to do anything. You have to respect yourself and others too. For example, parking where it is not allowed can create an inconvenience to others. Common sense and discipline should NEVER be lacking.

For almost 20 years – it was July 2003 – every person in possession of a regular driving license has had to deal with a specific aspect. We refer to points licence. Each person has 20 points at the start. On the basis of his own behaviour, then, he may receive reductions or prizes.

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In fact, every infringement committed requires a fine to be paid and, in the worst cases, even a deduction of points from the licence. The points can also increase by 2 at a time every 24 months, if no infractions are committed. At most, each user can have 30 points on their driving licence.

But when can you be punished with the heavy reduction of 10 points from your driving licence? Here’s everything you need to know and, consequently, avoid to always feel calm and never jeopardize road safety. Let’s analyze the details.

NEVER commit these traffic offences: your license will always be at risk

As mentioned, if you commit a serious traffic offense you really risk incurring heavy penalties, not only from an economic point of view, but also with reference to the deduction of points from your driving licence. Whoever loses all the points from it, will have the obligation to undergo – within 30 days – a new theory and driving test. It may, during this period, circulate, but will have to be subjected to a new revision within a short time.

Traffic Laws
Highway Code – Motors.News

In case of failure to pass the tests, the license will be withdrawn. In order not to risk this provision (and not to jeopardize road safety) it will therefore be advisable to respect the Highway Code. In the event of risky moves and serious violations of the rules, each user risks suffering a subtraction of 10 points from the license. When does this happen?

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Overcome speed limits it will incur you in very heavy fines. But if you go beyond the limits of 60 km/h, in addition to receiving fines of up to 3 thousand and 287 euros, you will also suffer the deduction of 10 points from the driving license and suspension of it for up to one year.

Driving license points deducted
If you commit these infractions, they will take 10 points off your driving license – Motori.News

Driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances is another absolutely forbidden move. The subtraction of 10 points from the document will also be added to the fine of several thousand euros.

Traveling on the motorway in the emergency lanes or reversing or U-turning on this road are other highly prohibited moves, which carry severe penalties. The same thing happens in case of forcing a checkpoint, without such a move constituting a crime.

Furthermore, the deduction of 10 points from the license will also be in the case of overtaking stationary trolleybuses and trams or vehicles queuing at an intersection in the presence of a red traffic light. Overtaking a vehicle with a continuous line, in the presence of bumps or curves, is another serious maneuver that could cost you dearly.

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We invite everyone to behave as correctly as possible while driving. You will avoid problems of all kinds and will always guarantee maximum safety for everyone.