Scratched alloy wheels? I show you how to repair them with only 11 euros

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Making the alloy wheels like new again is not child’s play, but neither is it a very difficult job that belongs exclusively to a professional of the trade, so you can try to do it at home using a few tools that also have a negligible cost.

Scratched alloy wheels
Scratched alloy wheels – Motori.News

They can be repaired scratched alloy wheels even at home by spending less than €11 and returning them practically in perfect condition like new.

All it takes is a few minutes, a little patience and dexterity, some tools that anyone has at home or that you can also buy it in hardware stores and that’s it.

Remove scuffs, scratches and damage from your car’s alloy wheels

The following method is practically miraculous, because it manages to remove all the marks of the alloy wheels. Cotton discs, abrasive paste, sandpaper and paper tape should be used.

The first thing to do is take the tape and stick it to the area you need to start working on, then spray water over the tapeyou start using 400 sandpaperrub it on the affected area slowly.

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Then you pass a soft cloth over it, the scratches slowly begin to disappear. The secret is mainly one, to proceed calmly without haste and with extreme delicacy. Once finished, move on to sandpaper of greater grit than however, it should be used with extreme caution.

Then when the result seems to be satisfactory you go to detach the tape and use the abrasive paste which is spread in small quantities on the areas affected by more and less deep scratches.


How to finish the job and what to do if the result is not satisfactory on deep scratches

Then with the cotton disks the whole product is extended on the affected area. In this way the alloy wheels will be practically as new, just like they have just been worked on by a professional, with the only difference that the expense faced is contained and not high.

Obviously all this can only be achieved by working with precision, delicacy, passion and a lot of patience, because if you rub a little more, with haste and force, you risk ruining them permanently and having to replace them or having to ask for an intervention from a professional of the trade.

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If there should be deep scratches on which you think you won’t be able to work, it is better to ask for advice or help from those responsible because in the event of further damage, the cost could be much higher than you think.