Highway, it is forbidden to stop at the petrol station: carpet checks everywhere

For many people who are forced to travel every day for work reasons or for any other need, the highway is a real salvation.

it is forbidden to stop at the vending machine
it is forbidden to stop at the petrol station – Motori.News

In some countries, however, you have to be careful how you move because even the most trivial mistake can even be a crime.

For example, as strange and surreal as it may seem, traveling in a dirty car is illegal in some countries around the world. Fortunately not Italy, where you see badly tanned cars every two by three.

Here’s what to do before traveling by car and taking the highway in a particular country

We all know that traveling by vehicle is a matter of responsibility, we must be careful everything for your own safety and that of others.

So, for example, before driving, you need to check that you have all the documents with you so as not to have problems in the event that there is a police checkpoint.

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Then you have to properly clean the windshield through which you must be able to look at the road and have a clear view of what is happening around to avoid accidents of any kind. from the most trivial to the most serious.

Obviously no one can drive without being in possession of the license for the vehicle they are about to drive, under penalty of fine and vehicle detention.

In short, they are all rules that we all know. But here’s one that for now only concerns Germany, but which over time could also have something to do with Italy. In Germany, by law it is forbidden to travel by car with reserve or in any case with little petrol.

Full of petrol
highway – Motori.news

What happens in Germany if you leave the house without petrol in your car

In Italy many are doing it especially now given the expensive fuel, many people choose to postpone refueling to save money, perhaps waiting for a collapse in prices which unfortunately it won’t arrive for the next few weeks.

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In Germany, no one can do this, because it is forbidden to travel in a car with a half-empty tank. This behavior can be the cause of accidents given that it is absolutely forbidden to stop on the motorway.

A driver who stays at feet due to the absence of petrol therefore you risk a hefty fine, because you must never travel with a half-full or almost empty tank. In Germany, before leaving home you have to evaluate everything and pay attention to the many little things that can make the difference.

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