Is it possible to reserve parking for another person? They’ll ruin your life if you try

Car parking: can a space be reserved for another person? If you try they will ruin your life. Here’s what you can risk.

Is it possible to reserve parking for another person?
Is it possible to reserve parking for another person? – Motors.News

Reserve parking for another person it may seem like a gesture of courtesy and altruism, but it can cost us dearly. To provide useful clarifications and a valid explanation is one Judgment issued by judges of the Supreme Court, who provided useful explanations and clear explanations.

It happens to everyone, especially on the busiest streets, in urban centers and in large cities, to drop a passenger aboard our car to keep the seat that has just become available. Maybe this very nice person is standing in the middle of the parking lot and reserves a spot for us. This good deed, which may appear to be a kind gesture, may violate compliance with the law.

Parking in city centers: it is impossible to find it

We feel like taking our own car and moving to the city center to do some shopping. Finding a parking space here is pandemonium. You repeat the same round several times and you can not find any free parking. Even if you want to park your car in the toll parking it’s quite a feat. It’s an impossible thing.

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It may happen that you are accompanied by a friend or a family member and you ask him the favor of getting out and keeping the parking lot occupied. This action of reserving parking for another person may seem completely harmless, but in fact it can break current legislation. To clarify is one Judgment issued by the cassation during 2022.

reserve parking
reserving parking for another person –

Reserving parking for another person: is it legal?

The Supreme Court ruled that reserve a parking space for another person is entirely legal. You don’t break any law, except when you invade someone else’s property or land. From a legal point of view, reserving parking for another person is equivalent to delegating the person to keep the space for parking the car. This is a verbal proxy and not necessarily written.

Reserving parking for another person: when is it a crime?

The sentence handed down by Stoats of the Cassation established that the crime is committed when the invasion of other people’s buildings and lands takes place. The Supreme Court recalls article 633 of the Penal Code: anyone who invades land and buildings of others, both public and private, in order to occupy them is punished with imprisonment up to a maximum of 2 years and with the imposition of fineswhich vary from an amount equal to just over 100 euros to a maximum of 1032 euros.

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It is well understood that holding another person’s parking space is not illegal, but close attention should be paid to it where you are reserving parking. It is easy to risk the imposition of a fine and the risk of being imprisoned.

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