Petrol, with the tennis ball trick you save time and money: try it now

A new trick is all the rage on TikTok: here’s what a tennis ball can do when you refuel.

Petrol –

Refueling is a simple operation and now within everyone’s reach. Despite this, however, there are not a few people who occasionally find themselves in difficulty for the most disparate reasons.

The incorrect positioning at the pump because you don’t remember where the filler neck is, the inability sometimes to lock the pistol to fill up without having to hold down the lever and so on.

In short, we must not underestimate the difficulty which can be found in what to many may seem like a simple formality. Maybe it’s also for this reason that in Italy the habit of the refueling served directly from the petrol stationalbeit at higher costs than self-service.

Abroad it is a little more different and automated and if you are not able to manage on your own there is the risk of having a bad day. A video has started circulating on TikTok these days that explains how a simple tennis ball can be useful in these cases.

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Why use a tennis ball when refueling

The aim of this video is to help people who would like to fill up while they are filling up lock the gun trigger to avoid holding it down until refueling is complete.

Fuel filler gun
Fuel filler nozzle –

We know what you’re thinking: there is a special “clip” that allows you to keep it blocked until topping up stops automatically because it has reached the limit level. However, it must be said that in some petrol pumps it doesn’t work as it should and therefore you have to think about alternative methods.

The video is dedicated to all those who hate to “squeeze” the pump just enough to complete the refueling operation. The author of the video, which has depopulated on TikTok, explains that it is necessary insert a tennis ball into the pump handle so that it keeps the gun active until the tank of the machine is full.

A method that is having success, but which is also receiving criticism or, better, some understandable comments. In the sense that, in fact, the petrol pumps are equipped with a function that automatically deactivates the fuel supply when it has reached the limit point.

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Tiktok tennis ball trick
Tiktok tennis ball trick –

In this sense, for a truly…full, you have to remember to do the attempt of the three blocks. As soon as the first one clicks, he tries to force it a second time by slightly pulling the pistol back without letting it come out of the tank. On the second block, go a little further back until the third one also clicks.

At that point you will be absolutely sure that you won’t be able to put more fuel than that and you will have filled up perfectly. And try the tennis ball trick if the clip doesn’t work.

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