Eggs on the windshield, it’s happening to everyone: you can only do this

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What follows is not a hoax or even a joke, many people over the course of these weeks are finding eggs smashed against the windshield of the car.

Eggs on the windshield
Eggs on the windshield – Motori.News

Nothing pleasant or funny, quite the contrary, it is a system that has been reported by many people in Italy.

These are attempted robbery or theftconceived and designed to distract the driver for a few minutes and act undisturbed.

Here’s what happens and why the eggs are thrown

In fact, the motorist is suddenly surprised with the launch of eggs on the windshield, which come from who knows where. It can happen in traffic with the aim of simulating an accident, as well as the parking lot.

Once the accident has been simulated, damages are claimed and the motorist unaware of what is happening is obliged to pay. But there are those who are not satisfied and therefore try to do a little more often by getting it satisfying results.

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The egg technique is not a modern technique, it was studied a long time ago and has been in practice for over a year. Similar episodesreported by those who fell into the trap, victims of a dirty trick, take us back to 29/30 December 2021.

The victim of the times was a baker, surprised by a scammer, using the egg technique, which fortunately however it suffered no serious damage.

It works like this: While the driver is driving, suddenly someone throws eggs straight at the windshield. The motorist instinctively goes to operate the wiper.

This gesture should never be done because the eggs are literally smeared on the glass in this way. The result is that the view is totally obscured. It happens because egg white and red mix with water, they go to create a mush that doesn’t go away in any way.

At this point the motorist must inevitably stop to clean the windshield, allowing thieves to take action and get into the car, to take away everything they want: wallets, envelopes, mobile phones, money and in some cases even the car.

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Onion on car windshield
Eggs –

How to behave and what not to do

The thing you must never do is operate the windshield wipers and then don’t underestimate the news which according to many is fake news. In reality, the technique, however trivial it may seem, works and the risk of falling into the trap is high.

Informing yourself is essential to know how to behave and how it is best to react in order not to run risks of any kind. While in the car you should always look in the rear view mirror especially if you realize that you are being followed.

Anyone who wants to put the scam into practice usually walks attached to victim’s car so as soon as you realize it, you have to keep walking and never stop marching whatever happens.

Then proceed to a Police or Carabinieri station and then report the incident.

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