Speed ​​cameras, this fines you even if you go at 50 km/h: this is how you recognize it

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The speed camera is the worst nightmare of all Italian motorists, above all of those who travel often for work reasons and who find themselves pecking huge fines for having committed mistakes which at first glance seem trivial, but which in reality are not. I am.

Speed ​​Cameras
Autovelox – Motors.News

This is why when traveling on any vehicle you must be careful to comply with all the rules of the Highway Code, especially the speed limits.

Excessive speed on certain roads can be particularly dangerous, causing serious accidents.

Here’s what is the most dangerous speed camera in Italy and what you should pay attention to

For these reasons, speed cameras or devices have been installed on most of the roads considered dangerous manage to issue sanctions after sanctions, without letting anything pass.

In particular, in Italy there is a speed camera that has been defined as a killer by motorists, because it has done so much damage to the pockets of taxpayers. The killer speed camera is located in the Gardesana area, near Lake Garda, in the municipality of Torri del Benago in the province of Verona.

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The speed camera in question operates around the clock, registers sanctions after sanctions both for the locals and for the tourists who are attracted by the lake. This speed camera billed 15,000 fines from August to October 2022, penalizing anyone traveling more than 50 kilometers per hour.

Tourists, workers and local residents who are forced to move along the arterial road every day for work reasons or for other reasons declare that they are harassed and that they are tired of receiving and having to pay high fines for overstepping the limit, even if only slightly.

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The controversy against speed cameras, here are the taxpayers’ proposals

For this in these weeks raised a fuss of controversy, so much so that the local newspapers even talked about it. The attempt is aimed at having the device removed permanently or activated only for part of the day and not 24 hours a day.

Alternatively, it is requested to report it better in order to be ready to slow down so as not to get fined. Someone also asks to review the speed limits imposed because for that route they are excessively low and difficult to respect.

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Those who have already paid the fine cannot appeal, those who have not yet paid it can try to do so because there is a good chance that the fine will be canceled.