Broken car, now you stay on foot for weeks: mechanics in panic

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New and increasingly technological cars are complicating the work of independent mechanics: we may have to wait a long time.

struggling mechanic
mechanic in difficulty –

Over the past ten years, the car have become increasingly complex and technological. A technology that, we must say, we like a lot because it gives us the impression of having more intelligent vehicles, capable of doing everything and that also go very well with multimedia.

On the other hand, such a direction ends up complicating the work of independent mechanics’ workshops: when it comes to repairing a latest generation car, in fact, the increasingly concrete risk is that of not being able to respond in time with the necessary parts. Sometimes, if you’re in a hurry, you end up turning to theofficial workshopwhich comes with very different estimates.

And it’s not just a matter of physical means, because the repair of increasingly complex and computerized machines consequently it requires knowledge that not all independent mechanics are able or interested in learning. A report published by Focus Advisor, a consulting firm specializing in the sector, tells us that only last year are more than 300 family-run workshops disappeared.

Increasingly technological and complex cars to repair: mechanics in difficulty?

The speech is obviously more complex than that because we need to consider different factors, different markets and even habits that can vary from one market to another. The fact is that the technological drift of the latest generation cars has been active for some time and can only expand further in the coming years.

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Mechanics in the workshop
Mechanics at work –

This also entails longer repair and delivery times in case of breakdownsas CCC Intelligent Solutions, a company specializing in the sale of software for auto insurance agencies, certifies: last year, it took on average about 2 days longer to repair a car compared to 2019.

The problem is that even operations that were once simpler now take a long time: if the toe goes to one side, if there is a vibration in the steering wheel or anything related to the suspension, a complete adjustment must be made. Today such an operation can take up to 9 hourswhereas just ten years ago 90 minutes would have been enough.

The reason? Unquestionably appreciated driver assistance systems such as automatic lane detection, hill start assist, self-parking and so on. In addition to the more practical aspects, the mechanics must also focus on the correct adjustment of the sensors and any cameras that regulate these systems.

Future car concept
The car of the future? –

It is no coincidence then that for some car brands the Repair is strictly recommended with official equipment only and consequently very expensive. Independent garages could be forced to spend a lot of money, in the order of hundreds of thousands of eurosto get in order to equip yourself with everything you need to regularly repair some cars.

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A game that can be worth the candle to survive in the market? Of course, but not everyone can make this reasoning, especially older mechanics, close to retirement, who can decide to give up rather than spend huge sums that risk never returning.

The generational change moreover, it is not encouraged: not many young people are willing to start in the workshop, either because of the low wages or because of other prospects deemed more attractive, the fact is that in order to deal with an automobile market, human resources are also needed, increasingly difficult to find.

The hypothesis of the experts is that the garages of the future can turn into large agglomerations, in which several once independent workshops are themselves included. Not to mention that there is already talk of the transition to electric or other forms of engines, which will require more specialized personnel and probably another revolution.

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