Shining windshield, this liquid works wonders: run to the pantry

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Would you like a shiny and shiny windshield? There is a liquid that works wonders, and you can prepare it with ingredients you find in the pantry. Let’s find out this effective method to have a perfectly clean windshield!

shining windshield with this dispense liquid
Shiny windshield with this liquid –

A bright, spotless windshield is what it takes to drive safely. However, when it’s cold and there is a lot of frost, the windshield freezes and a layer can also form on top of it which covers it making it unusable.

To defrost it and to avoid causing damage to the windscreen wipers, it is necessary to act delicately and use non-aggressive products. Fortunately, there is an effective method that can be prepared at home, without spending any money.

Indeed, you can use an ingredient you already have in the kitchen and make the windshield shiny, even more than expensive products can do. Let’s find out how to prepare this method and what it takes!

The trick to always have a clean windshield

Winter is annoying for cars that are parked outdoors and are therefore always exposed to the elements. Unfortunately, those who do not have a garage in which to park their car have no alternatives, so it is inevitable to clean the windshield before setting off to drive.

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Clean windshield - Motori.News
Windshield – Motors.News

Ice and humidity are deadly for this element of the car essential to have a perfect view, therefore it is necessary to resort to adequate solutions to prevent it from being damaged.

Thorough defrosting is essential in order not to damage the windscreen wiper blades at the same time have a great view while driving. Here is an easy and simple trick to put into practice to clean the windshield, using a cloth soaked in vinegar.

Liquid to be prepared with vinegar and water

You can prepare a solution to clean the windshield and make it sparkling using some ingredients that you definitely have in your pantry. Here’s how:

  • Mix 2 parts vinegar to 1 part water
  • Soak the cloth or pour the solution on the glass

You will get a result surprising in a few moments and you will be able to say enough to frost and ice. With this mixture you can also prevent the formation of the thick layer that occurs on the windshield in winter and prevent it from damaging it. Also the stains will disappear and the vinegar will prevent the formation of limescale on the surface, keeping it shiny and spotless.

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