all the smartass do it

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Do you want to save the speed camera fine? There is the trick of the hand to avoid the fine and there are many crafty people who do it. Let’s see what it consists of and how to avoid getting fines and not being registered by the device!

Speed ​​Cameras
Autovelox –

Taking speeding tickets is not pleasant, but resorting to illegal methods is not fair and you risk incurring hefty fines. This is what happened to a motorcyclist who decided to use the hand trick to avoid a fine. Let’s see how it ended and how many fines he got!

What is the hand trick?

The hand trick was performed by a motorcyclist near the speed camera. To prevent registration of the license plate number he put a hand behind and has partially covered the numbers.

Speed ​​Cameras - Motors.News
Autovelox – Motors.News

His gesture though did not escape the agents of the Local Police Report Office of the Union of Municipalities of Sorbara, who noticed this unusual case while they were checking the photos taken by the device.

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The agents they noticed 4 anomalous photos, in which a motorcycle passed while the driver put his hand on the license plate. Analyzing the photos more carefullythe agents managed to see some numbers and letters and through them they are been able to compose the license plate of the motorcycle.

Hefty fine for the motorcyclist

After reassembling the motorcycle license plate and comparing it with the one in the photo, the agents are managed to trace the owner of the vehicle and therefore also the one who had used the trick of the hand to avoid the fine.

The police made eight reports on the individual who put his hand on the license plate to prevent it from being registered by the speed camera. Four were made because it has exceeded the speed allowed and four for hiding the license plate.

This episode should warn those who want to fool the police with these tricks, because they are punishable by heavy fines. Furthermore, the police also underlined that it is forbidden to hide the license plate of a vehicle, but the fine is imposed even if the license plate is illegible. The penalty ranges from 41 to 168 euros.

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