Fines, no one knows the 90-day rule: you no longer have to pay them

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Respecting the Highway Code is one of the obligations that no motorist can ever escape. The same is true for pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and all other road users. The rules to be respected can be of all types, testifying to how many mistakes it is possible to commit. The general rule is to never jeopardize anyone’s safety on the street. Those who commit infringements are subject to the payment of administrative sanctions, which vary according to the error committed. But are you aware of the 90 day rule? Here are all the details about it.

90 day rule
90 day rule – Motori.News

When you get behind the wheel of your car there is always the risk of making a mistake. And this can happen to everyone, even to those who always respect the laws in every area of ​​life. A distraction or unawareness of a specific cue, for example, can lead the user to perform a traffic offence.

Anyone caught in the act will receive a fine. It will be of variable amount, depending on the seriousness of the action committed. A parking ban, for example, is a punishable mistake, but still a minor one. The fine, therefore, will be a few tens of euros. A fine for driving while intoxicated, on the other hand, will have more serious consequences from a financial point of view and beyond.

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Regardless of the infraction committed, anyone caught in the act will have to pay the specific fine. It it can be notified by agents on the spot or it can be notified at home. In some cases, in fact, it will not be possible for the agents to write the report on the spot.

For example, in the case of speed cameras, the fine for speeding at a certain point will be served at the offender’s home, for obvious reasons. But there are many other cases of administrative sanctions that can be notified at home or with the PEC.

But Are you aware of the 90 day rule? That’s when you can dispute the fine and avoid paying it. Let’s find out all the details about this topic.

The 90-day limit for traffic fines: here’s everything you need to know about it

The time limit for paying an administrative fine starts when the report is notified (on the spot or at home). Each user will have 60 days to pay the reduced fine. But that’s not all. In fact, if you pay for it within 5 days of receiving the notification, you will get a 30% “discount” on the total cost. In practice, you will only pay 70% of the fine, regardless of the infraction you have committed.

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Traffic fines – Motori.News

After exceeding 60 days, however, the fine will have to be paid in full. In addition, interests may arise in case of ever greater delay. The advice we give, therefore, is to always comply with the payment of fines, so as to pay less and not run the risk that they may be transferred to the appropriate collection body.

But are you aware of the 90 day rule? When you receive the fine at home, a fundamental aspect to check is that everything written in the report is relevant to the crimes committed. Moreover, it is important to check when the notification of the fine has been made. In fact, if the infraction should have been committed on a specific day, with the fine, however, arriving at home after 90 days, then it will be possible to appeal and not pay it.

Traffic fines rules
The 90-day rule on road fines: here’s everything you need to know – Motori.News

The Public Administration, therefore, will have a maximum of 90 days to send notification of the report on the offense committed to the home of the person concerned. Once this limit has been exceeded, cancellation may take place.

What will you have to do? You will have to submit a regular appeal within and no later than 30 days to the justice of the peace or within and no later than 60 days to the prefect of the area. The cancellation does not take place automatically. It will therefore be you who will have to notice the 90-day delay in notifying the fine and, subsequently, who will have to get started for the appeal.

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