Lancia Delta Evo eRX Rally Cars From Special One Racing Destroyed In Fire

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An unfortunate and terrible fire occurred today at Lydden Hill in England, affecting the world of rallycross and in particular, Special One Racing. Luckily, there were no reports of injuries from the fire. However, the team’s Delta Evo-e RX electric rally car was destroyed, among many other things.

Currently, very little information is available regarding the fire. Videos shared on Instagram from _rallycross_ shows the Special One Racing trailer and the cars in the paddock completely engulfed in flames. The two-car shell of the classic Lancia Delta shape was visible and easily recognizable in the smoke and flames. Instagram posts stated the team lost all of their clothing in the fire as well.

It is currently unknown whether this weekend’s race at Lydden Hill will be postponed or cancelled. The FIA ​​and the World Rallycross Championship issued the following statements regarding the incident:

“A fire broke out in the ONE Racing Special team area in Lydden Hill this morning ahead of an FIA World Rallycross Championship event on track. Firefighters were on site.

The venue is not open to the public today and no injuries have been reported. Further updates will be communicated as we continue to assess and monitor the situation.”

The Delta Evo-e RX makes its debut back in 2021 for racing action in the World Rallycross Championship. Built by GCK Motorsport, the cars closely resemble the classic Delta Integrale but are built on a new chassis that incorporates two electric motors. At launch, the car produced 671 horsepower and 649 pound-feet of torque, powering all four wheels. 14 cars scheduled for the championship, and plans for a road version announced too.

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Lancia Delta Evo-e RX in Martini livery

No word yet from Special One Racing on the extent of the damage to the team’s cars and equipment, but it doesn’t look great. Nine-time WRC champion Sebastian Loeb and veteran racer Guerlain Chicherit are the team drivers; they currently hold 8th and 9th place in the 2023 standings. This weekend’s event is number five in the nine-race season that ended in Hong Kong on November 12.